Fascination is what people feel when they experience the full range of emotions that the harmonica can express. The harmonica can be humorous, melancholic, powerful and sensitive. It’s an instrument with many facets, and players develop a strong connection to the instrument. In our workshops, video courses, online lessons or even at our web-shop we want to pass on this feeling of fascination.
FEN stands for Fascination Education Network, because only those who are fascinated want to learn. And those who want to learn prefer to do so in a community. FEN was developed by Marko Jovanović, founder of the harmonica school berlin, as a festival concept on behalf of Consense Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Kultur mbH. The HARMONICA FEN FESTIVAL, originally planned for 2020, took place for the first time in 2022 at the Kulturbrauerei Berlin and since then, the festival has brought some of the best harmonica players in the world to Berlin every two years.
Communications and project manager Julia Thurau has been co-organiser of the HARMONICA FEN FESTIVAL since 2018. With Marko Jovanović she founded FEN – Fascination Education Network GmbH/harmonica school berlin in 2020. Together they worked to raise awareness for the harmonica and founded the Friends of Harmonica Playing Culture Association in 2023.
Since 2024, Julia has been the responsible producer and organiser of the HARMONICA FEN FESTIVAL; she organises the FEN MASTER WORKSHOPS and with trainings for teachers she wants to bring the harmonica into schools.