Konstantin Reinfeld

Living for the harmonica
It was a great coincidence that brought Konstantin Reinfeld to the harmonica. In 2008, he was sitting in front of the television with his family watching a talent show. A harmonica player was performing and Konstantin was immediately fascinated by the tiny instrument.
Konstantin was born and grew up on the Lower Rhine, very close to the Dutch border. He had a grand piano at home, on which his mother gave him his first lessons. A few years later, he discovered the clarinet, which he found absolutely fascinating. But it was the harmonica that really caught his imagination, and that passion has stayed with him ever since. Konstantin started out as an autodidact, found some harmonica forums on the internet and began to network with other players. Here he learns from experienced harmonica players, uploads his own recordings and receives initial feedback.
Study of jazz
After leaving school, he went to Cologne to study jazz and then to Hamburg. There, the exclusive “Dr. Langner Jazzmaster” study programme offered him the opportunity to study with musicians of his choice. Konstantin made contact with American harmonica player Howard Levy and studied with his idol.
Konstantin Reinfeld has long since established himself in the music world. He has won several prizes, including the prestigious Opus Klassik in 2019. Konstantin’s dream is to get more people interested in the harmonica. For him, it’s the instrument that’s most closely related to the human voice. He’s now published his first instruction book and runs workshops to pass on his love of the harmonica.
Doing the unexpected
Konstantin is always on the road, playing his way through all musical genres, from Bach and Händel to Chick Corea and his own compositions. He wants to do things that nobody expects, like recording pop songs or producing his own song together with a Nigerian and Congolese singer and an Indian singer. Konstantin loves the intimacy of the harmonica, but he also appreciates the diversity of its sound. As he says, “Musically, anything is possible. There are simply no limits.”
P.S.: Konstantin is giving a FEN Master Workshop in Berlin from May 29 to June 1, 2025. Join us and not only experience Konstantin live, but also enjoy a musical weekend in Berlin.